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Sabtu, 25 Februari 2017

Obstetric Ilustrated , Hanrety P Kevin sixth edition : FREE EBOOK

Obstetric Ilustrated , Hanrety P Kevin sixth edition




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Glossary xi
The Web and obstetrics xii
1. Physiology of reproduction 1
Ovulation 2
Ovulation and menstruation 3
Menstruation 4
Fertilisation 5
Development of the embryo 6
Placental development and
physiology 9
Placental function 12
Development of the membranes 14
2. Fetal and maternal physiology 15
Differentiation of fetal tissue 16
Cardiovascular system 17
Fetal haematology 18
Maternal physiology 19
Weight increase 20
Carbohydrate metabolism 21
Protein metabolism 23
Fat metabolism 24
Respiratory changes 25
Cardiovascular physiology 26
Blood volume changes 28
Haematological changes 29
Gastro-intestinal tract 31
Renal system 32
Reproductive system 34
Endocrine changes in pregnancy 35
3. Obstetrical anatomy 37
Pelvic organs 38
Vulva 39
Pelvic floor 40
Ischiorectal fossa 42
Perineum 44
Pelvic blood supply 45
Pelvic sympathetic nerves 46
Supports of uterus 47
Bony pelvis — sagittal view 48
Bony pelvis — brim 49
Bony pelvis — cavity 50
Bony pelvis — outlet 51
Pelvic types 52

Fetal skull 54
4. Diagnosis of pregnancy 57
Symptoms and signs 58
Pregnancy tests 63
5. Antenatal care 65
Pre-pregnancy care 66
Care in pregnancy 67
Booking visit 69
The first examination 71
General recommendations at the
booking visit 73
Subsequent antenatal examinations 74
Abdominal examination 75
Abdominal palpation 76
Vaginal examination in pregnancy 80
Common complaints 81
Physiotherapy in the antenatal
period 84
6. Assessment of the fetus 87
Fetal maturity 88
Fetal abnormality 90
Fetal growth 93
Fetal wellbeing 97
Fetal functional maturity 100
7. Diseases of pregnancy 101
Vomiting in pregnancy 102
Rhesus incompatibility 104
Antibody formation and detection 106
Effects on fetus and neonate 107
Prevention of rhesus
haemolytic disease 109
Management of pregnancy 110
Treatment 112
Hypertension in pregnancy 114
Severe pre-eclampsia and
eclampsia 120
Coagulation failure in pregnancy 122
8. Systemic diseases in pregnancy 125
Cardiac disease 126
Effects of pregnancy on heart
disease 127
Effect of heart disease on
pregnancy 128

Heart disease — labour and
delivery 129
Respiratory diseases 131
Venous thrombo-embolism 132
Pulmonary embolism 136
Anaemia 137
Iron deficiency 139
Folic acid deficiency 140
Haemoglobinopathies and
idiopathicthrombocytopenia 142
Diabetes 143
Urinary tract infection 146
Chronic renal disease/epilepsy 148
Jaundice 149
Thyroid disease 151
Infections 152
Management of therapeutic drug
exposure in pregnancy 156
Acute abdominal conditions 157
9. Vaginal bleeding in pregnancy 159
Summary of causes 160
Ectopic pregnancy 161
Tubal pregnancy — aetiology 162
Tubal pregnancy — implantation 163
Tubal pregnancy — outcome 164
Tubal pregnancy — symptoms
and signs 166
Tubal pregnancy — differential
diagnosis 167
Tubal pregnancy — aids to
diagnosis 168
Tubal pregnancy — treatment 169
Abdominal pregnancy 170
Miscarriage 171
Miscarriage — aetiology 173
Miscarriage — clinical features 174
Miscarriage — treatment 175
Missed miscarriage 176
Septic miscarriage 177
Hydatidiform mole/
choriocarcinoma 178
Hydatidiform mole 179
Hydatidiform mole — aetiology 180
Hydatidiform mole — diagnosis 181
Hydatidiform mole — follow up 183
Invasive mole and choriocarcinoma 184
Invasive mole and
choriocarcinoma — chemotherapy 185
Ante-partum haemorrhage 186
Placenta praevia
(inevitable haemorrhage) 187
Placental abruption
(accidental haemorrhage) 188
A clinical approach to
ante-partum haemorrhage 191
10.Multiple pregnancy and other
antenatal complications 193
Multiple pregnancy 194
Preterm labour 204
Preterm premature rupture of
membranes 206
Postmaturity 207
Prolapse and presentation of
the cord 208
Polyhydramnios 210
Unstable lie 212
Special cases 213
Uterine displacements and
anomalies 214
Tumours complicating pregnancy 217
Recurrent miscarriage 220
11. Normal labour 223
Labour 224
Labour — the birth canal 226
The mechanism of labour 228
Diagnosis of labour 232
Progress in labour 233
Management of labour 236
Partograms in the management
of labour 244
Management — delivery 246
Management — third stage 249
12. Abnormal labour 251
Induction of labour 252
Failure to progress in labour 257
Malposition/malpresentation 258
Diagnosis of malpresentation 259
Occipito-posterior position 261
Face presentation 266
Malpresentations 267
Cephalopelvic disproportion
(CPD) 268
Breech presentation 269
Labour in women previously
delivered by Caesarean section 280
13. Abnormalities of the third stage
of labour and of the placenta
and cord 281
Retained placenta 282
Primary post-partum
haemorrhage 285
Acute inversion of the uterus 288
Abnormalities of the placenta 291
Abnormalities of the cord 293
14. Obstetrical operations and
maternal injuries 295
Episiotomy 296
Forceps delivery/Obstetric forceps 298
Vacuum extractor (ventouse) 312
Symphysiotomy 313
Caesarean section 314
Destructive operations 319
Sterilisation 320
Induction of abortion 321
Maternal injuries 323
IS.Puerperium — normal and
abnormal 335
The puerperium 336
Clinical aspects 339
Feeding the newborn 340
Lactation and breast feeding 342
Secondary post-partum
haemorrhage 345
Puerperal pyrexia 346
Genital tract infection 347
Mental illness in the purperium 350
Postnatal physiotherapy 351
The postnatal examination 352
Clinical examination 353
16. The newborn baby 355
The normal newborn baby 356
Management of the newborn baby 357
Neonatal apnoea 359
Secondary apnoea 361
Apnoea — resuscitation 362
Heat loss in the newborn 363
Inspection for congenital defects 364
Routine screening tests 365
Nursing care 367
Breast feeding 368
Physiology of the newborn 369
Routine observations 371
Low birth weight babies 372
Estimation of gestational age 373
Idiopathic respiratory distress
syndrome (IRDS) 374
Jaundice of the newborn 377
Intracranial haemorrhage 379
Birth injuries 381
Congenital defects 384
17. Maternal and perinatal
mortality 395
Maternal mortality 396
Perinatal mortality 399
Management of perinatal loss 401
18. Contraception 403
Hormonal contraception 404
The intra-uterine contraceptive
device (IUCD) 410
Barrier methods 413
Natural methods 415
Post-coital contraception 416
Male methods 417
Female sterilisation 418
Failure rates in contraception 419
Index 421

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