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Sabtu, 21 Januari 2017

Ebook EKG : The Only EKG book

It seems incredible that, in a world where new technology becomes obsolete
almost before it becomes avai lable, a simple l ittle electrical gizmo, more than a
century old, sti l l holds the key to diagnosing so many critical ly important
cl inical disorders, from mi ld palpitations and dizziness to l ife-threatening heart
attacks and arrhythmias. The EKG predates relativity, quantum mechanics,
molecular genetics, bebop, Watergate, and, wel l, you fi l l in the blank. Hats off,
then, to Wi l lem Einthoven and his string galvanometer with which, in 1905, he
recorded the first elektrokardiogramm.
So here we are, wel l into the next mi l lennium, and now it is your turn to learn
how to use this amazing tool. It is my hope that this l ittle book (itself getting a
bit long in the tooth, having first come out in 1988) wi l l make the process fun
and easy. Its goals remain the same as they did in the first edition:
This book is about learning. It's about keeping simple things simple and
compl icated things clear, concise, and yes, simple, too. It's about getting from
here to there without scaring you to death, boring you to tears, or intimidating
your socks off. It's about turning ignorance into knowledge, knowledge into
wisdom, and al l with a bit of fun.
There is a lot of new stuff in this fifth edition. We have, among other things,
updated the sections on basic electrophysiology, rhythm disturbances, and
pacemakers, and included many new sample EKGs at the end of the text so you
can test your new, hard-won knowledge.

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